Hello everyone! My name is Mackenzie (Colbert) Costa. I am an early childhood educator (PreK-2) and I created this blog to share my experiences in this role. I graduated from Bridgewater State University in 2021 with my bachelors degrees in early childhood education and psychology. I am now in my last semester of graduate school also at Bridgewater State University for early childhood education.

I am in my 3rd year of teaching and in the three years as being a classroom teacher, I have been in three different grades. Right out of school I became an educational assistant in kindergarten. The next year I was a second grade classroom teacher at the same school but it was only a one year position. The next year I went to a different school district where I taught first grade, but my class consisted entirely of newcomers to the country who spoke a variety of different languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, and Cape Verde Creole). This school year, I am back at my original school district where I started my teaching career and I am currently a kindergarten classroom teacher. 

My teaching career is unique as I have not stayed in the same grade for more than one year, but it has made me a diverse educator and I would not have changed anything about my journey. I look forward to using this blog as a platform for me to connect with other early childhood educators and share my experiences with others.